Co-Founder, Workplace Balance & Performance Coach
Professional Certified Coach PCC, National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach NBC-HWC, Adapt Certified Functional Health Coach A-CFHC, Certified Professional Co-Active Coach CPCC, Certified Corporate Recovery Coach CCRC, Certified Professional Recovery Coach CPRC, Certified Facilitator Addiction Awareness CFAA, SHERECOVERS Coach Designation SRCD, National Certified Food Addiction Coach NCFAC, Business Administration, Developmental Services Worker DSW

She has helped thousands discover and achieve their sense of purpose and fulfillment and mentored hundreds of coaches across the globe. She holds multiple international certifications and is highly accredited by several boards.
Shelly-Anne’s expertise and passion are rooted in the areas of Addiction and Recovery, Functional Medicine, Executive Leadership and Corporate Development. Her expertise in these areas developed as a result of her being a highly-driven exceptional performer who was so passionate about her work; that she collapsed in her early 30s from exhaustion and stress when her body decided it just couldn’t keep going.
Since then she has been deeply committed to unlocking the secrets to achieve and maintain balance in her business and personal life to perform optimally. She walks-the-walk by working on this daily using a holistic approach.
Now she is on a mission to help other exceptional performers and purpose driven organizations to do the same. She believes that in order for organizations to achieve their vision they must have healthy balanced leadership at the top who are committed to creating a wellness culture for everyone in the workplace.
Her reach outside of personal and corporate coaching is expansive and includes roles as an insightful and knowledgeable mentor coach; dynamic and inspirational speaker; and an innovative television and digital media producer.